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OCD and Me 2016

OCD and Me 2016
As an educator I found this documentary extremely interesting. It gave additional insight into this crippling disease. I have several family members who suffer from this ailment and it gave me more information as to the severity of the plight that they deal with.

I was hoping there would be a reason as to what causes this condition. Unfortunately as with so many ailments there is not a definitive answer to this question. There was the fact that was studied, where it can be passed, on to a child, who observes the actions exhibited being modeled by a parent. Interestingly enough it usually is not the exact obsession that the child has observed. However there were a variety of ways that it can be alleviated for those who have a severe case of OCD.

Most people have heard of OCD, but what exactly is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? In an attempt to get an understanding of the disturbing mental illness we spend time with some people who have agreed to come forward and talk about their OCD. Featured by XIVETV.

Runtime: 52 minutes
OCD and Me 2016