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The Man Who Knew Infinity 2016

The Man Who Knew Infinity 2016
The life of Ramunajan is legendary. A dirt poor, young mathematical savant in Madras, he became obsessed and master of mathematics. He sent some of his work to British mathematicians and one of them, Hardy, brought him to Cambridge, where some discipline was instilled in the young Indian.

Patel is an excellent Ramunajan as is Iron an excellent Hardy (actually, the whole cast is great). The movie emphasizes Hardy's insistence that Ramunajan offer proofs for his theorems, i.e., deductive reasoning, instead of just relying on intuition in order to get formally published in reputable journals. Although I give it a solid five stars, I have two major irritations with the movie. First, Ramunajan's early failure at university and his discovery of a mathematical book (which sparked a frenzy of work) is ignored.

In 1913, Srinivasa Ramanujan (Dev Patel), a self-taught Indian genius, traveled to Cambridge where he forged a lifelong bond with his eccentric math professor, G.H. Hardy (Jeremy Irons), while fighting a world that refused to acknowledge his achievements.

Starring: Dev Patel, Jeremy Irons, Devika Bhise
Runtime: 1 hour, 48 minutes
The Man Who Knew Infinity 2016