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Brat Academy 2016

Brat Academy 2016
While China's one-child policy has stemmed its population boom, it also had unexpected side effects. With so many "only children," behavioral problems are the new norm. Brat Academies are many parents' last chance at turning their wayward children around

I too was a candidate for "Brat" school, and you could tag a few other 3 and 4 letter words with the word brat! I have nothing but empathy in my heart for the parents, and hope for the kids. The problem with the a percentage of teenagers who act out, almost always includes boredom, and non nurturing of existing talents/skills.

This film seems to show great examples of utilizing a character build most Westerners would say was too much. Full of emotions that can anger, yet 5 minutes later will have you smiling. Some will find themselves in all walks of humanity in this film, and most will agree that this film is a thumbs up.

Brat Academy 2016