have to admit, I picked this movie up as a rental, because of the lovely, mysterious artwork on the cover. There was also reference to the fact that it won 'Best Film,' at the 32nd American Indian Film Festival for 2007. I casually thought I'd give it a try, but my expectations weren't high. At the time, I didn't know I was holding a little Indie jewel.
I'm still struggling with placing this film into a genre. It's not slasher horror, because it's free of blood and guts, but it WILL frighten you, at times. It's not just a thriller, because of the supernatural aspects. It is also an atypical ghost story.
I think it is a category of its own, encompassing a little of several genres that many of us love. But, what makes it so interesting is the spiritual aspects, and magical realism of the Lakota, woven throughout, which culminates into a crescendo of an unexpected ending.