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Bad Moms 2016

Bad Moms 2016
Having lived through being on the PTO/PTA and essentially run off by the president for wanting to put my foot down and say no to some decisions I couldn't wait to see this movie! Unfortunately I am very much like Kristen Bells character Kiki. Except not as dingy. Lack of friends means I waited until it came out on DVD and watched it today (10/18/16) the second it was available. I don't remember a movie that I have laughed so hard at.

As mothers we are held at such a high standard and have absolutely unrealistic expectations put on us but mostly we do it to ourselves. This movie brings all of that into light and lets us see that we don't have to be perfect, we don't have to have these unrealistic expectations, we don't all have to be Pinterest moms. The term "Bad Moms" is used because if one isn't perfect, doesn't adhere to the unrealistic expectations that they are a bad mom. But we aren't. We do our best, love our kids, and as mothers we aren't perfect.

Bad Moms 2016