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Operation Oblivion: A True Story of WWII Heroism 2016

Operation Oblivion: A True Story of WWII Heroism 2016
This documentary is actually about the history of discrimination against Chinese-Canadians using the history of a special Chinese-Canadian unit formed in World War 2 as a framework for the story. Initially welcomed into Canada to build the western railroads, Canada passed a Chinese exclusionary act to prevent more immigration once the railroads were build. Chinese-Canadians were banned from becoming citizens and voting. During WW2 a special Chinese-Canadian unit was formed to operate behind Japanese lines.

The veterans of that unit decided that since they had fought, bled and even died for Canada, they deserved to become full citizens. So they organized politically and formed political alliances to get the Chinese exclusionary act repealed and get full citizenship with all its rights for Chinese-Canadians.

Operation Oblivion combines newly shot interviews and never-before-seen images with animated sequences that uncover the stories of a group of 12 Chinese-Canadians and their secret training under the guidance of British SOE operatives. Featured by XIVETV.

Runtime: 1 hour, 1 minute
Operation Oblivion: A True Story of WWII Heroism 2016