Beyond the Black Forest, in the fairytale village of Heidelberg, an unspeakable evil has taken root. One by one, Heidelberg's citizens have fallen into trances, awakening under the control of a dark master, the mythical Christian king Prester John (Tom Savini)
SEA OF DUST is a silly fairy tale w/ loads of spurting blood, an ancient Ingrid Pitt, and Tom Savini nailed to a cross! Other, greater minds have figured this story out. I could make no sense of any of it. It had shades of Ken Russell's goofiness mixed w/ gothic stuff. Savini was in it for about a minute as a mythical character who flashed his cape around a lot.
The main character was in the woods, then on a beach, then in a house, back in the woods, on the beach, etc. Wherever this thing was going, it took way too long to get there! Boring to the point of self-immolation, I nearly died! Good luck w/ this elephant turd