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Sea of Dust 2016

Sea of Dust 2016
Beyond the Black Forest, in the fairytale village of Heidelberg, an unspeakable evil has taken root. One by one, Heidelberg's citizens have fallen into trances, awakening under the control of a dark master, the mythical Christian king Prester John (Tom Savini)

SEA OF DUST is a silly fairy tale w/ loads of spurting blood, an ancient Ingrid Pitt, and Tom Savini nailed to a cross! Other, greater minds have figured this story out. I could make no sense of any of it. It had shades of Ken Russell's goofiness mixed w/ gothic stuff. Savini was in it for about a minute as a mythical character who flashed his cape around a lot.

The main character was in the woods, then on a beach, then in a house, back in the woods, on the beach, etc. Wherever this thing was going, it took way too long to get there! Boring to the point of self-immolation, I nearly died! Good luck w/ this elephant turd

Sea of Dust 2016