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Batman: The Killing Joke 2016

Batman: The Killing Joke 2016
Joker wages a psychological war on Batman and leaves scars on the Dark Knight that even time won't heal.

After being hyped up for this movie, I watched some mixed reviews filter in and almost held off buying it. I'm glad I didn't. I won't reiterate the positives already mentioned in many other reviews said beyond saying the animation, story, dialogue and voice acting is top notch. Given the fact that I was almost deterred by the mixed/bad reviews however, I will address a few points which I disagree with from these other reviews. Minor spoilers below here.

Batgirl was an absolute necessity to the film being a standalone work, not a tacked on filler as many have stated or implied. The background of where she fits in Batman's world, and the substantial time spent by the movie about her / from her point of view, totally sets up the emotional brevity and the entire philosophical stage for what happens later on.

Batman: The Killing Joke 2016