As "The Benefactor" begins we immediately see a glimpse of a tragedy, one so severe that it is entirely life changing for Franny (Richard Gere). The film then jumps ahead five years as Olivia (Dakota Fanning) gets in touch with him to say that she is marrying and wishes that he would be back in her life. Franny is ecstatic at the news of her wedding to Luke (Theo James), a Medical Doctor, and that Olivia is soon to be a mother.
Her connection to Franny is seen throughout the film as the trauma at the outset sets the stage for him to thoroughly ingratiate himself into their lives. Being that he is a wealthy philanthropist, there is no monetary cost too high for him to pay or personal boundary of the couple too important for him to cross. He is their self-appointed benefactor and is now going to make their world wonderful because he can and definitely will not take no for an answer. It is their world according to Franny and what shows is desperate in the first degree.
A newly married couple are forced to navigate the all-consuming interest of a powerful, mysterious, and possessive philanthropist.
Starring: Richard Gere, Dakota Fanning, Theo James
Runtime: 1 hour, 32 minutes