Definitely a must see for anyone living in the areas of British Columbia ALL the way down to Sacramento, CA. I believe after studying many documentaries and books on this subject that the biggest fear of continental destruction we have to fear is a Cascadia Earthquake, than we do a San Andres Fault quake. The Cascadia area, which encompasses most of Oregon, Washington and B.C. is overdue by 150+ years for this type of quake, the last occurring in 1700 A.D. Most of the past 30 quakes are separated by only 100 - 220 years apart, consistently, going back to before Christ.
If I lived in this area I would not only watch this but I would DEFINITELY plan an escape route for myself and my family to higher ground, just in case, because this will occur before the end of this century. A 20% chance by 2050 and rising from there, but keep in mind it is already 150 years overdue. Great documentary!
If you love a day at the beach, or if you live anywhere near the coast of California, Oregon, Washington or British Columbia, then brace yourself. The next big global earthquake could be your last. Featured by XIVETV.
Runtime: 1 hour, 30 minutes