Largely uninformed and typical of those who use the Bible as history, without studying one whit of the last 2000 years of western history.
The ideas and concepts are based on a grossly simplistic interpretation of scripture. However, because any "end time" events (up to and including a second coming) can easily be fabricated today with various technologies, the rest of us need to be well prepared for some Christians to start causing great social unrest due to their adherence to such nonsense and general lack of vision and critical thinking skills.
It won't be long before they will justify the deaths of many because they will not take part in the "millennial reign" and go worship the impostor in Jerusalem they are convinced is "Christ".
This film and others like it stand as testimony to that prediction.
Are we living in the end of times? Bible experts discuss events that the Book has predicted, the prophecies of figures such as Nostradamus and Father Malachi O'Morgain, and the idea of "forthcoming" worldly events. Are these mere warnings from our past, or predictions about our future?
Runtime: 50 minutes