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The Sea of Trees 2016

The Sea of Trees 2016
This is a very good movie, except for those who want to think, never suffered from Depression or suicidal thoughts, a very serious illness, or had dysfunctional marriages, or have never been to Fuji-san in Japan. I can assure you, if you have a beer belly and a tattoo you should not even give this one star.

This was a thought-provoking film demonstrating Van Sant's understanding of guilt, American and Japanese, love or what substitutes for it, and how we rarely get what we want in life, and it seems unfair to each of us individually. Van Sant was right on the mark. The movie was not slow at all; the forest scenes hypnotic and harsh; and in the end, it is Van Sant and not his critics who will have the last word.

Matthew McConaughey stars as a professor with a troubled past traveling to a Japanese forest with a dark history. There he meets a mysterious stranger who takes him on a life-changing journey of love, discovery and redemption.

Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Ken Watanabe, Naomi Watts
Runtime: 1 hour, 50 minutes
The Sea of Trees 2016