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Nostradamus 2016

Nostradamus 2016
The movie is excellent; however, many of the previously written reviews are disappointing. The writer of the script and director of the movie did a wonderful job of giving us not only a historical context for this enigma of a man but also an idea of what his personal life must have been like.

I don't know what some critcs expect, considering all information on the personal life of Nostradamus is sketchy at best, but bringing him to life in this movie was extremely entertaining and informative if one knows how to "read between the lines" in a historical drama. Furthermore, as to the expectation of Nostradamus "doing something" with his visions, I would recommend a rigorous study of European history during the centuries of the Holy Inquisition.

This period drama explores the life of Michel de Nostradamus, a 16th century doctor and scientist who some believed could see into the future.

Starring: Tchéky Karyo, F. Murray Abraham, Rutger Hauer
Runtime: 1 hour, 55 minutes
Nostradamus 2016