Mike (Adam Devine) and Dave (Zac Efron) are two brothers who love to have a good time. Their definition of a good time usually involves getting wasted and then destroying property and/or injuring people. When their kid sister Jeanie (Sugar Lyn Beard), decides to marry Eric (Sam Richardson) in Hawaii, Mom (Stephanie Faracy) and Dad (Stephen Root) put their foot down and insist that the boys bring “nice” dates to the wedding. Their reasoning is that the dates will somehow have a calming effect on the boys.
The boys decide to place an ad on Craig’s List. They get way more potential date interviews than they expected. Almost all of the interviews are LOL funny. In the meantime, two wild and crazy girls, Alice (Anna Kendrick) and Tatiana (Aubrey Plaza) decide this is a perfect opportunity to go to Hawaii
Hard-partying brothers Mike (Adam Devine) and Dave (Zac Efron) place an online ad to find the perfect dates (Anna Kendrick, Aubrey Plaza) for their sister's Hawaiian wedding. Hoping for a wild getaway, the boys instead find themselves outsmarted and out-partied by the uncontrollable duo.
Starring: Zac Efron, Anna Kendrick, Adam Devine
Runtime: 1 hour, 38 minutes