The Originals enthralled me as a child; and the Prequels had a few redeeming features, but were a pale mockery of what made Star Wars great. And now a new trilogy. Would this be the return of Star Wars in all it's brilliance, humour, and emotional force (pardon the pun)? Or would commercialization, shoddy writing, and cheap fan-service strike again? Like you, I entered that cinema enthralled by that first trailer but with nagging doubts. Was JJ Abrams ready?
Could he recapture that Star Wars feeling? Could he make that galaxy far, far away come to roaring life again? The answer is for the most part...YES! The Force doesn't just Awaken. It gets out of bed, has a hearty breakfast, and proceeds to blend old and new seamlessly and deliver some rousing action and compelling characters, all with a heartfelt love of what made Star Wars great. If not truly great itself, Episode VII is still pretty damn good!
The Force Awakens ain't perfect by a long shot. It recycles too many elements from previous Star Wars movies (an eeeeeven BIGGER Death Star!) to ignore, the story takes detours, and the plot is nudged along by coincidence a few too many times. There are a few really questionable character traits that I can't discuss without spoilers. These flaws exist. But it's up to the viewer to let them define the film or overlook them and be entertained.