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Weiner 2016

Weiner 2016
A fascinating study of a man with an addiction that is probably very widespread - sexting. It's an addiction we're not quite used to, because it contains no ACTUAL sex - but it is one that with the advent of technology no doubt taps into the reward centers of the brain virtually as effectively - as do drugs, alcohol, and gambling. Additionally, it leaves behind one heck of a digital trail, making it incredibly easy for the addicted party to be exposed, literally.

The documentary follows Weiner's trajectory from rising political star married to a beautiful woman who walks the corridors of high power to a man to a man who has nothing - not even the 'loyalty' of those he was exchanging sexts with. Given the recent turn of events, where Weiner actually included his young son in one of his sexts, you can see how little impulse control and rational judgment he has - also illustrated in his frequent and often unnecessary outbursts.

Sexts, lies & Carlos Danger. Get an inside peek at one of the biggest political scandals ever: Anthony Weiner's wild "comeback" mayoral run. Winner, Sundance Grand Jury Prize.

Starring: Anthony Weiner
Runtime: 1 hour, 35 minutes
Weiner 2016