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After Braveheart 2016

After Braveheart 2016
Ever wondered what happened after the epic events that are portrayed in the Hollywood movie Braveheart? A new docudrama reveals the untold story of how a Scottish army tried to drive the English out of Ireland 700 years ago.

The documentary laid out an excellent case for Edward Bruce to drive out the English in Ireland, from its beginnings in 1305 after the execution of WIlliam Wallace to the final battle some13 years later. My only contention with he film was that it could have gone back a couple of centuries earlier to 1154 when Pope Adrian IV and Henry II spelled out the conditions which would have allowed the latter to conquer Ireland and make it a papal vassal in th bull Laudabiliter.

It is only mentioned in passing, and it never metions the invasion Henry undertook some 15 years later, when he landed 400 ships filled with men and arms off the coast of Waterford, thus beginning the long occupation of Ireland, which continues to the present with the six counties, including Antrim and Tyrone still under British control as a result of the partition of 1920.

After Braveheart 2016