Explore the untold story of Disney's most iconic villain in this wickedly fun twist on the classic SLEEPING BEAUTY. In an unforgiving mood after a neighboring kingdom threatens her forest, Maleficent (Angelina Jolie) places an irrevocable curse on the king's newborn daughter, the Princess Aurora. but as the child grows, Maleficent finds herself becoming fond of the girl.
And as the conflict between the two realms intensifies, Maleficent realizes that Aurora may hold the key to peace in the land. Journey beyond the fairy tale in this soaring adventure that is "visually arresting, brilliantly designed" (Andrew Barker, Variety).
This movie is very interesting to watch because it isn’t entirely based on "Sleeping Beauty" so you get to see a completely different side of Maleficent before she becomes the villain that she is known as. Throughout the movie I found myself wanting the movie to go quicker to see what would happen next but not wanting it to end anytime soon.
I think that the director Robert Stromberg and the writers Linda Woolverton and Charles Perrault really outdo themselves with this movie because I cannot stop obsessing about how great it is.