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Wreck-It Ralph

Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-It Ralph. Wreck-It Ralph is a very funny film about an arcade game "bad guy" (John C. Reilly) who's tired of being overshadowed by "good guy" Fix-It Felix Jr. (Jack McBrayer) and goes game jumping while the arcade is closed in an attempt to reinvent himself.

Felix heads out to drag the oversize Ralph back to their own game, and the pair travels through a time warp of arcade games from the past 30 years that's absolutely hilarious and will cause you to never look at an electrical outlet or surge protector in the same way again.

Ralph first lands in the action game "Hero's Duty," where he gets to live his dream and fight the bad guys--he even gets his hands on a hero's medal. Ralph's next stop in "Sugar Rush" yields some unexpected pitfalls that include quicksand that consists of a familiar chocolaty drink mix and a glitch called Vanellope (Sarah Silverman) who has the potential to change everything--both in her game and in Ralph's future.
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