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Movie : Margin Call (2011)

Movie : Margin Call (2011)
Movie : Margin Call (2011). The only guy who knows that the company is screwed just got laid off. This begins a compelling drama based somewhat on the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008. To be clear, this is not a thriller and it's not a fictionalized retelling of the Lehman collapse. It's a conventional drama. And most of the story takes place in a single building.

The film dramatizes what the executives did in the 24 hours after they realized they were sitting on billions in worthless assets. "So, what you're telling me is that the music is about to stop and we're gonna be left holding the biggest bag of odorous excrement ever assembled in the history of capitalism." That's the big cheese played by Jeremy Irons. He concocts a scheme to dump the assets on unsuspecting buyers within a single business day. His underling opposes the idea. Kevin Spacey plays the underling and he's pretty awesome.
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